A woman who is almost 80 today has inspired us more. Her name is Cher. In 1996, she shared in an interview:

"Mother told me a couple years ago, 'Sweetheart, settle down and marry a rich man.' I said, 'Mom, I am a rich man.'"

What may seem normal today was a rarity in her generation. With her mindset, she is a pioneer for us. She effortlessly represents her values with a touch of sarcasm. We were moved, knowing she articulates what we've carried within ourselves for so long.

As a result, Vivien decided to visibly embrace this statement and "Not Your Babe." She saw tights as something that not only can look good but also stand for something. The Statement Tights were born.

Gründerinnen Saint Sass
  • Statement tights

    Because starting a business together is much more fun, Vivien was initially looking for a co-founder. Larissa was immediately enthusiastic about the idea! Today, the two of them are not only the founders of Saint Sass but also almost inseparable.